BlackBirdBlue is a handcrafted design company featured on Etsy. The owner/designer, Lindsey Edwards, specializes in handmade headpieces, jewelry and other accessories. It was important to Lindsey that her branding and elements…
My church did a series on the idea that everyone has baggage in their life. Evan Vetter, director of the e-media crew at the time, asked me to come and help brand the series for ‘Baggage’. They wanted a Saul Bass (a famous designer…
Davina’s Insight kits are made to help people with a host of things. Some kits are for photographers to help them with their company, and others are for brides to give them ideas on their wedding. They are all downloadable PDF files that…
Reach Farther is the Missions Ministry at Port City Community Church. I wanted to have the R “reaching” around the words to illustrate the idea of missions going around the globe to reach people. The piece on the right was designed by Evan…
Orton’s Secret Garden was a bridal show that took place at Orton Plantation. Above you can see the branding and all the different parts of printed material that I developed for the event. Project: Branding and Identity…
Fuse is a summer camp for the youth at Port City Community Church. I worked with Evan Vetter and Josh Rivenbark to develop this logo. Project: Logo Client: Port City Community Church CREDITS: Creative Direction: Evan…